Dubya's Personal Blog

Welcome to my personal thoughts and contemtat . . . , comptmepta . . . , contemplash . . . , well, you know, things I think about. I try to enter my ideas on a regular basis, but what with running the free world, and being there for my darling wife, I don't have much free time. Only about four or five hours a day. So, enjoy!

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


My polls have rebounceded back up to 44%.

That means more than half America approvifies of me.

Eat that you liberal Dems.


Blogger Joey Polanski said...

Congrajulations, Mr Presdent!

I gess that watrboarding realy gets th job done!

9:30 PM  
Blogger Malach the Merciless said...

Get your pole out of my buttocks. I though you were born again.

11:15 AM  
Blogger Dubya said...

Thanks Joey! Ya gotta come out fer some R&R sometime. If that don't make ya feel downright presidintial, then I can't imagine what would.

Ha ha, Malach said buttocks. That's funny. I keep tryin' to get Laura to say buttocks, but all she'll say is "behind."

1:53 PM  

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