Dubya's Personal Blog

Welcome to my personal thoughts and contemtat . . . , comptmepta . . . , contemplash . . . , well, you know, things I think about. I try to enter my ideas on a regular basis, but what with running the free world, and being there for my darling wife, I don't have much free time. Only about four or five hours a day. So, enjoy!

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Saturday, June 16, 2007

FOX Rocks!!!

What the hell is wrong with this self-proclaimed liberal viewer?!?

Bottom line: FOX News, it's not actually unfactual, an' that's good enough fer America.


Blogger Sara Sue said...

Fortunately for you and all your good 'ol boys, Sir, Fox knows better than to report the truth!

10:50 AM  

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