Dubya's Personal Blog

Welcome to my personal thoughts and contemtat . . . , comptmepta . . . , contemplash . . . , well, you know, things I think about. I try to enter my ideas on a regular basis, but what with running the free world, and being there for my darling wife, I don't have much free time. Only about four or five hours a day. So, enjoy!

Location: Washington, D.C., United States

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Respect my Authority

When I was elected Presidint, as required by Article II of the Constitution I took an oath that I would "to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the . . . United States."

There! Right there! That's my authority ta spy an' wiretap without a judicial warrant!

And that's an exact quote of the relevant parts of my oath.

Don't pay no attention to the ellipses, 'cause that parts not so important.

Really, it's jus' some words an' trivial stuff.


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